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Rhonda Wykle

Rhonda Wykle

Clerk of Courts

(740) 385-2616

Passports and Passcards

Processing Time
Regular passport: 6 to 9 weeks
Expedited passport: 3 to 5 weeks - $60.00 fee
$19.53 fee for 1-2 day delivery charge for passport books.

These processing dates are subject to change.

Please contact the Clerk's office at 740-385-2616 for the current processing times.

Passport PricingPassport BookPassport CardPassport Book and Card
Adult - 16 years and older$130.00$30.00$160.00
Child - 15 years and Under$100.00$15.00$115.00
  • Application must be filled out, either printed in Black ink or typed.
  • APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED AT THE CLERK OF COURTS OFFICE. Your signature must be witnessed in this office.


Children 15 and Younger

  • Child and both parents must be preset OR child, one parent and form 3053 completed and notarized OR custody papers from the court
  • Certified Birth Certificate
  • Passport Photos
  • Parents' Driver's license (s)
  • Completed form DS-11
  • Check or Money Order for Passport Book ($80 each) or Passcard ($15 each) to the Department of State
  • Cash, Check or Money Order for processing ($35 per application) to Hocking County Clerk of Courts


Minors 16-17 Years Old

  • Same as ADULT requirements, PLUS at least one parent present or payment in the form of a check signed by a parent



  • Certified Birth Certificate
  • Passport Photos
  • Driver's license or State Issued ID
  • Completed DS-11 Form
  • Check or Money order for Passport Book ($110 each) or Passcard ($30 each) to the Department of State Cash, Check or Money Order for processing ($35 per application) to Hocking County Clerk of Courts


For additional information, contact the Clerk of Courts office at (740) 385-2616 or you may visit