- Land use planning - this is a portion of the zoning conversation being led by Audie Wykle for the county. This process is an important component of economic development for the county.
- Support the CIC and perhaps stand-up other tools (port authority) to ramp up economic development and therefore employment opportunities in the county for people who live in the county.
- Address the cost of real estate taxes driven by county real estate inflation - we are working with Chris Robers, county auditor, and our representatives in the state legislature (Mark Johnson and Shane Wilkin) to address the impact on residents vs. rentals.
- Creation of a land bank to address the over $4.2 million of unpaid back taxes in the county. This also addresses the problem of blighted properties that can be redeveloped into residential or commercial properties that will contribute to the future tax base. Our elected treasurer Blaine Davidson strongly supports this initiative. This could also assist in the need for additional affordable housing in our community.
- Hiring a Human Resource Manager for the county. This will help us establish some consistent HR and compensation policies around the country to attract and retain the best talent to serve the citizens of Hocking County.
- Purchasing program review - A review of the county expenses, shows there are opportunities to improve purchasing processes to save money for the county.
- Redevelop the Tansky building to a state-of-the-art service center to allow county departments to better serve the citizens of Hocking County.
- Continue progress on the remodel of the jail in Nelsonville. Thanks to the good work of Judge Moses and Chief Deputy Bickel and the cooperation of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections - this facility will be repurposed as a women’s detention and treatment facility.
- Continue to leverage the good work of pursuing additional grant revenue generation opportunities derived from our new grant writer, Sean Brooks.
- We have convened elected officials and a few other community leaders to begin the conversation about how we can collaborate to better serve the people of the county. Our hope is this working group can be the foundation for a conversation about a comprehensive long term strategic plan for the county.